Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Isabella knitty kal

I cast on Isabella Sunday night. I am now up to the first eyelet row. The needles seem so small for a solid piece of knitting. I am glad I am making this in a smaller size(hoping to loose some weight & become less fluffy) I am pretty sure this won't be ready by the end of the summer! Will be great for next year.

MS3 Progress

I really have to say, I am in love with knitting MS3. I think Melanie has done a brilliant job with the pattern. I am addicted. Last Friday I checked my yahoo account when I first got up, and several times when I got into work to download the patterns. Unfortunately, I don't have time to knit while I am at work, but I daydreamed about getting my needles in my hands and playing with the yarn. My husband thinks I am a total yarn freak. He doesn't realize how much it soothes my soul (except for when I have to tink and frog)

Here is the progress so far (unblocked) it is getting more and more difficult to get a good shot, but here are a couple. Knit in Jaggerspun Zepher- mushroom with silver lined iris beads.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Summer juggling

Usually, I don't have too many projects going on in the summer. This year, however, is much different. I have been swept up by MS3. Pictures to be posted later. I started the Rowan Birches shawl in Lorna's laces Heaven. I am about to start the knitty KAL. Earlier this year my husband accompanied me to my LYS and asked me to knit him a sweater. He picked out the yarn and all. What to work on first. Only so much knitting time available.